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Office cleanup? Bust clutter the secure way!

A cluttered office littered with loose documents is not only unsightly and unprofessional. With the rise of identity theft and corporate espionage it’s a real security hazard.

That’s why it’s vital that in your office clean-up all sensitive documents are disposed of securely and destroyed completely.

Follow these tips to make your office clutter-busting quick, easy and secure.

1. Examine everything. You don’t want to throw out something important, or keep something that isn’t. If there’s no good reason to keep it, out it goes!

2. Digitise as much as possible. Digitised documents don’t take up any physical space at all. Store them on a cloud service like Google Drive for easy access.

3. Create a logical filing system.
This goes for both paper and digital material, and will make it easy to store documents and retrieve them quickly when you need them. For great tips on getting your filing system organised visit this site:

4. Don’t forget digital media. A CD-ROM can hold the equivalent of thousands of paper documents with potentially sensitive data. Make sure all digital media you dispose of are securely destroyed.

With a range of flexible options Brisbane Document Destruction Service can help you bust office clutter and ensure sensitive data doesn’t end up in the wrong hands.

Our 240-litre lockable security bins make your office cleanup easy and secure. We deliver to your premises and pick up when you’re ready (minimum order two bins for up to two weeks). We also offer a convenient load-on-site service, perfect for smaller businesses. And we can securely destroy digital media including CDs, DVDs, microfiche and video tapes.

At the end of the process you receive a Certificate of Destruction — your guarantee that all data has been completely destroyed.

Phone us today on 07 3167 6190 to find out how easy and cost-effective secure document destruction can be.

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