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What business Documents Should Be Shredded? | Brisbane Shredding

What Business Documents Should be Shredded?

Almost all businesses will collect, store, and destroy sensitive information. This information will typically have a range of details from clients, customers, employees, and suppliers. And, even though we are firmly in the digital age, many businesses will have a large range of paper documents.

Here is where the risk lies.

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When companies don’t hire specialists like Brisbane Document Destruction Services to take care of their document shredding, they are at risk of identity theft, and fraud.

Almost all businesses are aware of how critical it is that they store data correctly, but beyond that, not all are as compliant as they should be.

In order to protect your business from fines, fraud, and ID theft, here is a guide to which business documents should be shredded.

What Business Documents Should be Shredded?


  • Vendor records
  • Vendor specifications
  • Vendor purchase orders
  • Vendor information (confidential)
  • Corporate pricing and records


  • Manuals and instructions
  • Training Information and documents
  • Timesheets and activity
  • Contracts
  • Health and safety issues
  • General service information
  • Appraisal and product testing


  • Budgets
  • Reports
  • Legal contracts
  • Drafts of legal documents
  • Correspondence


  • Payroll
  • Performance assessments
  • Medical records
  • Treatment programs
  • Applications
  • Disciplinary reports
  • Promotions and applicable agreements


  • New product information
  • Reports
  • Product development
  • Forumals, tests, and product plans
  • Specification drawings and plans


  • Budget schedules
  • Internal reports
  • Supplier information
  • Customer lists
  • Payroll statements

Sales & Marketing

  • Contracts and customer lists
  • Advertising plans
  • Activity sheets
  • Training sheets
  • Strategies and pricing

There is a wider range of documents that should be shredded by a professional shredding company. The list above is a guide to help you make informed choices. If you have questions regarding the type of documents that you have within your company then give Brisbane Document Destruction Services a call, we will be happy to help.

The Importance of Shredding Legal Papers and Documents

Importance of Shredding Business Documents

Government agencies, corporations, large businesses, and any business that holds information have to abide by strict regulations regarding how long they are allowed to store certain types of documents.

It is vital that you understand which documents will come under the rules and which do not. You will need to have a process in place to take care of those documents when they reach the end date of storage. Ideally, you should have a shred and no shred procedure in place. This will help streamline this process for your staff.

To protect your business and all fines that are associated with incorrect data disposal, you can hire Brisbane Document Destruction Services. We offer a fully rounded document destruction package that includes secure lockable bins, prepaid services, and a certification of destruction.

Not only all of that, but we recycle all of the destroyed paper. Making us the green option too. Brisbane Document Destruction Services serve the Gold Coast and surrounding areas, our impeccable services guarantee security and prompt and reliable service.

For all your Document Destruction needs,

call us on 07 3167 6190 or email via

Our friendly and professional staff are happy to help with your document destruction needs.